IP SMS technology

If you plan to send or receive a large number of SMS messages, it is worth considering using the Internet (Figure 1). Over the Internet (or over a private IP network, such as a leased line), it is possible to connect directly to the GSM operator's SMS Centre (SMSC). The SMSC is responsible for receiving, storing and delivering SMS messages in a GSM telephone network. Direct connection to the SMSC has several great advantages.

how to send and receive bulk text messages via sms connection
Figure 1 - IP SMS connection to send and receive a large number of SMS messages

A large number of messages can be sent or received in a short time. The sender phone number can be freely modified. The availability of the service can be monitored.

If you work with great volumes of messages, this solution is cheaper, faster and more reliable than the alternative solution of using a GSM device (phone or modem) connected to a computer with a phone-to-PC data cable.

Ozeki NG - SMS Gateway enables you to connect directly to your service provider's SMSC over the Internet or a leased line using TCP/IP. In order to use this option, you need to sign a contract with your GSM service provider to be given direct access to its SMSC.

Once you have a contract, you will receive the service provider's IP address, a port number, a username and password to access their service. Often, they will ask you to set up a VPN connection to their service. When a connection to the SMSC is available, an SMS protocol is required for you to be able to send and receive SMS messages. The most common protocols are UCP, SMPP and CIMD2. (Of course, all of these are supported by Ozeki NG - SMS Gateway. In fact, you can use more than one of these protocols simultaneously.) You can read more about these protocols on the following pages.

Universal Computer Protocol (UCP)
Short Message Peer to Peer Protocol (SMPP)
Computer Interface Message Distribution version 2(CIMD2)
Premium rate SMS service
SS7 protocol

Note that some service providers use custom protocols, for example XML over HTTP. If you wish to use Ozeki NG - SMS Gateway with your service provider, and your protocol is not yet included in our program, please contact us (info@ozeki.hu). There is a good chance we will provide additional support for your service free of charge.

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