Ozeki Partner Logo for Resellers

Ozeki reseller partners are required to display the Ozeki partner statement on the front page of their website. The Ozeki partner statement consists of the ozeki partner logo image and the text stating that the partner is a reseller.

The Ozeki partner statement:

ozeki reseller badge

We are a proud reseller of
Ozeki NG SMS Gateway
the World's most reliable
SMS gateway software

More information
By displaying the Ozeki Partner statement, Ozeki NG SMS Gateway resellers become eligible for discounts, and they may take various other advantages, such as training, participation in events organised by Ozeki and more.

How to display the partner statement

Step 1:
Download the ozeki partner logo by clicking on the following link and save it into the www root folder on your webserver.

Download: ozeki_partner_1.png (11Kb)

Step 2:
Add the following HTML code to the source code of your webpage.

Step 3:
Check your website to make sure the Ozeki partner statement is displayed properly. It can be displayed in horizontal or vertical alignment at a position that fits the website layout. The partner statement is often placed in the right hand column or at the bottom of the webpage as shown on the following pictures.

partner layout

partner layout

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