Oracle create table script
You can use Oracle database, which can be accessed using an ADO or ODBC driver. All you have to do is create two database tables (in database ozekisms): ozekimessagein and ozekimessageout. (The tables can have additional columns.) Ozeki NG will insert the incoming messages to the ozekimessagein table. If you want to send a message, you should insert a record into the ozekimessageout table. The SMS Server checks this table periodically for messages to send.
Database setup
You need to connect to your database as administrator and you need to create
a database user that can be used by the Ozeki software to connect to the
ozekisms database.
For example you may log into Oracle as sysdba and you may execute the
following commands:
create tablespace ts_ozekisms logging datafile 'C:\oraclexe\oradata\XE\ts_ozekisms.dbf' size 32m autoextend on next 32m maxsize 2048m extent management local; create user sqluser identified by abc123 default tablespace ts_ozekisms; grant connect to sqluser; grant create table to sqluser; grant create sequence to sqluser; grant create trigger to sqluser; alter user sqluser quota unlimited on ts_ozekisms;
After the sqluser account has been created you may test the newly created account by connecting to Oracle with the "connect sqluser/abc123" command. To do this click on Start menu -> All Programs -> Oracle Database 10g Express Edition -> Run SQL Command Line. (If you use a different Oracle database version, the path will be slightly different)
Once you are connected to the database with the SQL console, you need to execute the following script to create the database tables:
CREATE TABLE ozekimessagein ( id integer, sender varchar2(30) default null, receiver varchar2(30) default null, msg varchar2(1024) default null, operator varchar2(120) default null, msgtype varchar2(160) default null, senttime varchar2(100) default null, receivedtime varchar2(100) default null ); CREATE TABLE ozekimessageout ( id integer, sender varchar2(30) default null, receiver varchar2(30) default null, msg varchar2(1024) default null, senttime varchar2(100) default null, receivedtime varchar2(100) default null, operator varchar2(120) default null, msgtype varchar2(160) default null, status varchar2(20) default null ); create sequence ozekimessagein_seq increment by 1 start with 1 nocache; CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ozekismsin_auto BEFORE INSERT on ozekimessagein for each row WHEN ( is null) begin SELECT ozekimessagein_seq.nextval INTO FROM DUAL; end; / create sequence ozekimessageout_seq increment by 1 start with 1 nocache; CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER ozekismsout_auto BEFORE INSERT on ozekimessageout for each row WHEN ( is null) begin SELECT ozekimessageout_seq.nextval INTO FROM DUAL; end; /
After the database layout has been created you can logout from your database and configure a database user in Ozeki NG. In Ozeki NG the connection string type will be "OleDb" and the connection string will be:
Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=XE;User Id=sqluser;Password=abc123;
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