Everything about SMS messages

Short Message Service (SMS) has completely changed how we communicate by allowing us to send brief but meaningful messages anywhere in the world. It started as a way to quickly send texts, but now it's essential for both personal and business conversations. SMS is important because it's easy to use, widely available, and lets us stay connected instantly, no matter where we are. As technology progresses, SMS remains a crucial part of how we connect in our fast-moving world.

What is SMS?

SMS, or Short Message Service, is a technology that enables users to send short text messages between mobile devices. These messages can be up to 160 characters long and are widely used for personal communication, notifications, alerts, and authentication purposes. Known for its simplicity, reliability, and compatibility across various mobile networks and devices, SMS has become a fundamental tool in modern communication, facilitating quick and efficient exchanges worldwide.

How many characters can a text message contain?

Originally, SMS messages were limited to 160 characters due to technical reasons in early mobile networks. This limit ensured messages were transmitted efficiently. Over time, technology advanced to allow longer messages by splitting them into multiple parts, which are then recombined on the recipient's device. This means today, while a single SMS can still hold up to 160 characters, longer messages can be sent by stitching together multiple SMS segments behind the scenes.

How long is a standard text message?

A standard text message, or SMS, can hold up to 160 characters. This limit was set early on to make sure messages could be sent quickly and reliably over mobile networks. Each SMS includes extra data like headers and routing info, which leaves less room for the actual message text.

Technology has improved, though. Now, we can send longer messages by splitting them into smaller parts called SMS segments. These segments can be put together on the other person's phone. So even though the original limit is 160 characters, we can send messages that are longer by combining these segments. This makes texting more flexible and convenient on smartphones and messaging apps.

What is the SMS character limit?

The SMS character limit is typically 160 characters per message. This limit was originally set due to technical constraints in early mobile networks. However, with advancements in technology, some networks and devices now support concatenation, which allows longer messages by combining multiple SMS segments. This means users can send texts that exceed 160 characters, up to a maximum of 1600 characters in total (10 concatenated SMS messages).

What is Unicode SMS?

Unicode SMS lets you include a wide range of characters and emojis in your text messages, beyond just letters and numbers. This means you can use different languages, special symbols, and emojis to express yourself better. It is great for chatting with friends in their native languages or adding fun and emotion to your messages.

For businesses, Unicode SMS is essential for reaching a global audience. It allows companies to communicate in multiple languages, making messages more relevant and engaging for customers worldwide. However, using Unicode can sometimes limit the number of characters you can send in a single message, and not all phones or networks display these characters the same way. Despite these challenges, technology is improving to make Unicode SMS more reliable and accessible across different devices and networks.

What length can an SMS with Unicode be?

An SMS with Unicode characters, like emojis or non-Latin scripts such as Chinese or Arabic, can only be up to 70 characters long per message. This is because Unicode characters take up more space than regular letters and numbers. So, if you include emojis or non-English letters, you have less space to write your message.

Even with this limit, Unicode SMS is really useful for chatting in different languages and adding emotions to messages. Businesses use it to connect with customers globally, sending messages in their languages and showing they understand different cultures. Technology keeps improving to make sure Unicode messages work well on all kinds of phones and networks, making global communication easier and more inclusive.

What about the costs for messages over the character limit?

Sending messages longer than 160 characters can cost more because each part of the message is billed as a separate SMS. For example, if you send a 170-character message, it will be split into two parts, and you will be charged for two SMS messages. The cost varies depending on your mobile carrier, so it is smart to check how they charge for longer texts.

To save money, consider using messaging apps or services that handle longer messages differently, like multimedia messaging (MMS) or internet-based messaging platforms. These options often let you send longer texts or include pictures without paying extra for each part of the message. Choosing the right method for your message and checking your carrier's rates can help you keep your texting costs under control.

What is the history behind SMS message length?

The history of SMS message length goes back to the early days of mobile phones when SMS was first introduced in the 1980s and 1990s. It was initially designed to send short text messages using the GSM network, with a maximum limit of 160 characters. This character limit was set by GSM signalling protocols, which allocated space for headers and routing information, ensuring efficient network use and reliable message delivery globally.

Over time, technological advancements led to the development of concatenated SMS messages, allowing longer texts to be split into multiple segments and reassembled on the recipient's device. Initially, this expanded the practical limit to 1600 characters (10 concatenated SMS messages). Additionally, the emergence of internet-based messaging services and mobile data networks introduced alternatives like MMS, which offered higher data limits and supported multimedia content such as images, videos, and emojis. These advancements have transformed text messaging, providing users with more flexibility and options for communication across different platforms and devices.

Is there a way to increase SMS limits?

To send longer messages beyond the usual 160 characters, you can use a feature called concatenation. This splits longer messages into smaller parts, each sent as a separate SMS. When received, these parts are automatically put together to form the complete message on the recipient's phone. This method allows for messages up to 1600 characters in length (10 SMS messages combined), giving more room to communicate effectively without worrying about the traditional character limit.

How many SMS credits will you need for your message?

When calculating how many SMS credits you need for a message, consider a few key factors. For standard text messages, each 160-character segment typically counts as one SMS credit. If your message includes special characters like emojis or uses different languages that require Unicode encoding, it might need more credits because these characters take up more space. It is essential to check with your mobile provider or SMS service to understand their pricing structure based on message length and content. This helps you plan and budget effectively for your messaging needs, ensuring you can communicate efficiently without unexpected costs.

Tips to stay within SMS character limits

Keep it short and direct: Focus on delivering your message clearly and directly without adding unnecessary details that could make it longer than needed.

Avoid repeating yourself: Say things once without using the same words or phrases multiple times. Redundant information can fill up space quickly.

Use abbreviations and short forms: Use common abbreviations like "pls" for "please" or "thx" for "thanks" to save space while keeping your message clear and polite.

Break down longer messages: If your message is longer than 160 characters, consider breaking it into smaller, logical parts. Each part can be sent as a separate SMS to ensure the recipient gets the complete message.

Emojis for expression: Emojis add emotion and expression to your message, but they also take up character space. Use them sparingly and where they can enhance your message's meaning.

Review before sending: Take a moment to review your message before hitting send. Check the character count to ensure it fits within the SMS limit. Make any necessary adjustments to make it more concise and easier to understand.

Explore other messaging options: For messages that require more detail or include multimedia content like photos or videos, consider using messaging apps that support longer messages, such as WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger.

How many characters can a text message contain?

A regular text message, called SMS, can usually contain up to 160 characters. This limit was set to make sure messages can travel quickly over cell networks. Each SMS includes extra data like headers and routing info, which leaves less room for actual text. Nowadays, phones can combine several SMS parts to send longer messages—up to 1600 characters in total. Apps on smartphones handle this automatically, making it easy for people to send and get longer texts without any trouble.

Free SMS length calculator in Ozeki SMS Client

In the Ozeki SMS Client you can find a free SMS length calculator. You can download it and install on your Windows 11,11 desktop PC.

Our SMS length calculator is a user-friendly tool designed to count the number of characters in your text message and offer deeper insights into its composition.

Find out the number of remaining characters that can be entered in the SMS (Characters left:). The SMS Client software displays in the editor how many SMS long is the message (SMS:1).

Download: OzekiSMSClient_v2.7.zip (1,2 MB)

Figure 1 - Free SMS Length Calculator

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

How can businesses use SMS for marketing?

Businesses use SMS to send promotions, alerts, updates, and customer service messages directly to customers' phones. It's effective because it reaches customers instantly and has high open rates compared to other forms of marketing.

What are SMS short codes?

SMS short codes are special short numbers (like 5 or 6 digits) used by businesses to send and receive messages at scale. They are easier to remember than regular phone numbers and are used for things like voting, contests, or customer support.

How can I block SMS spam?

Most smartphones have features to block or filter SMS spam. You can block specific numbers or set filters to separate spam messages. Carriers also offer options to report spam or unsubscribe from unwanted marketing messages.

Why are SMS length calculators important?

SMS length calculators are helpful tools because they tell you how many SMS messages you need for your text based on its length. They help you save money by estimating costs for longer messages upfront. These calculators ensure your message is clear and complete by preventing it from being cut off if it is too long. They also make it easier to format your message, especially if you use emojis or special characters that affect how many SMS messages you will use. For businesses, SMS length calculators help follow rules about how long SMS messages can be, making sure they are sent correctly. Overall, they make sending SMS messages easier and more efficient.


SMS, known as Short Message Service, has completely changed how we communicate by letting us send short but meaningful messages anywhere in the world. It started as a quick way to send texts, but now it is crucial for both personal and business conversations. SMS is important because it is easy to use, available everywhere, and keeps us connected instantly, no matter where we are. As technology gets better, SMS stays an important way we stay in touch in our fast-moving world.

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