SMS Marketing software

Nowadays in the digital world, businesses need quick and effective ways to connect with their customers. SMS marketing software, like Ozeki NG SMS Gateway, is key to making this happen. These tools allow businesses to send large numbers of text messages, manage marketing campaigns, and track results easily. They are essential for businesses that want to reach more customers, increase engagement, and boost sales with personalized, real-time messages. With features like automated texts, detailed analytics, and easy integration, SMS marketing software helps businesses stay ahead in their marketing efforts.

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway as an SMS marketing software

The Ozeki NG SMS Gateway serves as a powerful SMS marketing software, as illustrated in the diagram. It collects messages from a variety of sources including Excel sheets, databases, reports, and marketing campaigns. With robust automation capabilities, customizable APIs, and support for bulk messaging, it offers substantial benefits for marketing initiatives. The gateway facilitates message delivery through two methods: using a GSM modem connected via USB for direct transmission to mobile networks and phones, or via the internet using diverse protocols, ensuring fast and dependable delivery of large quantities of messages. This configuration enables efficient communication strategies tailored to meet specific business requirements.

sms marketing software
Figure 1 - SMS marketing software

What is SMS marketing?

SMS Marketing involves sending promotional campaigns or transactional messages via text messages (SMS) for marketing purposes. These messages typically convey time-sensitive offers, updates, and alerts to individuals who have opted in to receive texts from your business.

What is SMS marketing used for?

Boost sales through targeted promotions: SMS marketing lets you send time-sensitive coupons and promotions directly to your customers' phones. Ozeki NG SMS Gateway facilitates this process, ensuring your flash sales and special offers reach their target audience quickly. This drives more traffic to your store or website for immediate sales increases.

Real-time updates keep everyone informed: Managing events or customer orders can be intricate. Ozeki NG SMS Gateway simplifies communication with instant SMS alerts. Send quick updates about changes, cancellations, or important information directly to your customers. This method is faster and more reliable than email, keeping everyone informed and avoiding any confusion.

Reduce missed appointments with automated reminders: No-shows can disrupt your schedule. Ozeki NG SMS Gateway offers a solution! Schedule automated appointment reminders directly to your clients' phones. This gentle nudge ensures they show up on time, keeping your schedule running smoothly.

Instant alerts: Need to get urgent news to your team quickly, like office closures or safety updates? Ozeki NG SMS Gateway ensures everyone receives the message promptly. It delivers critical information instantly to your entire team, regardless of how often they check email.

Why is SMS marketing effective?

Wide reach through common smartphones: In a world dominated by smartphones, SMS marketing offers exceptional reach. Ozeki NG SMS Gateway capitalizes on this by allowing direct messages to customers' phones. This ensures your marketing efforts reach their target audience and maximize impact.

Completes the E-mail marketing cycle: Ozeki NG SMS Gateway integrates seamlessly with your existing email marketing strategy. While email excels at delivering detailed content, SMS shines in immediate communication. Utilize Ozeki NG SMS Gateway for quick blasts promoting offers, sending updates, or delivering reminders, driving engagement across multiple channels.

High open rates drive results: Unlike email, SMS boasts phenomenal open rates. A staggering 90% of SMS messages are read within just 3 minutes of receipt! Ozeki NG SMS Gateway capitalizes on this by ensuring your critical information reaches your target audience promptly and effectively.

Reliable communication: Ozeki NG SMS Gateway provides the perfect solution. SMS messages require minimal data and function independently of internet connectivity, making them a reliable communication channel in any market.

How does SMS marketing work?

SMS marketing lets you reach customers directly on their phones with short messages (think 5-digit codes) promoting your business. Unlike full phone numbers, these codes are easier to remember. While some countries will not let you change the sender info, always include your company name in the message itself.

There are two main types:

  • Campaigns: Bulk messages for promotions (sales, coupons) or general info (events, updates).

  • Transactional: One-on-one messages triggered by actions (order confirmations, shipping notifications). These keep customers informed.

Best practices and rules in SMS marketing

Secure customer opt-in: Ensure your customers explicitly agree to receive SMS messages before sending them. Similar to email marketing, obtain consent and provide a clear unsubscribe option within every message. This fosters trust, avoids unwanted messages, and adheres to potential legal regulations.

Strategic timing: Unlike email or social media, text messages are viewed almost immediately. Leverage this for urgent messages but avoid reaching out at inconvenient times. For instance, a 2 AM promotional text might backfire. Be aware of any local regulations regarding marketing text message hours.

Clear sender identification: Bulk messages might mask your identity. Always incorporate your company name to ensure customers recognize the sender.

Call to action: Guide your customers towards the desired outcome. Whether it is directing them to your website or encouraging event attendance, a clear call to action drives engagement and results.

Synergy across marketing channels: SMS complements your existing digital marketing efforts. Utilize it alongside email marketing, where email offers in-depth information and SMS delivers urgent or time-sensitive updates. This combined approach creates a powerful and effective communication strategy.

Building an SMS Marketing system with Ozeki NG SMS Gateway

Download and set up

First things first! Download and install the Ozeki NG SMS Gateway software on your computer. Follow the instructions closely to set it up right. This software lets you send and receive text messages easily.

Setting your Gateway

Once installed, open the Ozeki NG SMS Gateway app and adjust the settings. You will need to connect it to a company that sends text messages (an SMS service provider) or a device that uses a phone signal to send texts (a GSM modem). Send a few test messages to make sure everything works.

Build your list

Create a list of phone numbers for the people you want to send texts to. You can use a simple program like Excel or a more powerful database program like MySQL. Remember, only text people who said it is okay, thus keeping things legal and friendly.

Automate your texts

Ozeki NG SMS Gateway lets you set up a system to send texts automatically. Decide when you want to send messages, like for reminders or promotions. You can set schedules or triggers to send them at the perfect time, all on their own.

Ozeki SMS Gateway offers three ways to automate SMS messaging. With Autoreply Easy, you can quickly respond to incoming SMS using preset texts managed in Ozeki or your own app. Autoreply by Script allows custom scripts for automatic replies or forwarding. Autoreply from Database connects to SQL databases, sending messages based on query results triggered by incoming SMS. These options simplify communication and ensure prompt responses to messages.

Easy bulk messaging

Make a list in Excel with your contacts' phone numbers and the message you want to send. Ozeki NG SMS Gateway has tools to connect this list to the SMS gateway so you can send messages to everyone at once. Test it with a few samples first to make sure it works.

Businesses use bulk SMS messages to promote new products, offer special deals, or announce sales events. This direct communication channel ensures higher engagement rates compared to other marketing methods.

Track your results

Use the Ozeki NG interface to monitor your text message campaigns. Businesses can use delivery reports to track how many messages are successfully delivered opened by recipients, and how many customers take action. Make any changes needed to improve your text message marketing.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Who can benefit from using SMS marketing?

Anyone can benefit from using SMS marketing services, whether you are running a small business or overseeing communications for a large corporation. SMS messages excel at delivering urgent information reliably and quickly.

  • Ecommerce stores: SMS is perfect for sending promotional campaigns and order/shipping confirmations, enhancing customer engagement and sales.

  • Travel companies: With SMS, travel companies can provide real-time updates such as flight times, gate changes, cancellations, and weather alerts, ensuring customers stay informed on the move.

  • Service businesses with appointments: SMS reminders help service providers like salons or healthcare facilities reduce no-shows and late appointments, improving operational efficiency.

  • Large organizations with over 100 employees: Internal communication in large organizations benefits from SMS, ensuring urgent information reaches all employees promptly, unlike slower email communications.

How can I measure the success of my SMS marketing campaigns?

SMS marketing software offer features to track your campaign results. Here are some key metrics to consider:

  • Open rates: The percentage of people who open your text messages.

  • Click-through rates: The percentage of people who click on a link in your message.

  • Conversion rates: The percentage of people who take the desired action after receiving your message.

  • Unsubscribe rates: The percentage of people who choose to stop receiving your text messages.


SMS marketing software, like Ozeki NG SMS Gateway, plays a key role in achieving this. It helps businesses send lots of text messages, manage marketing campaigns and see how well they're doing. This software is essential for reaching more customers, increasing engagement, and boosting sales with personalized messages sent in real-time. Features like automated messaging, easy-to-understand analytics, and smooth integration with other tools make SMS marketing software invaluable for businesses looking to stay ahead in their marketing efforts.

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