HTTP SMS API - addcredits

(available in version: Ozeki NG SMS Gateway v3.0.1 or newer)

This method can be used to add or deduct credits from the balance of a user. The credit limit of a user specifies how many messages the user can send and receive. If you use want to increase or decrease the balance, use this method. This method is better then the setcredits method if you want to do a relative change in the balance, because you don't have to worry about messages being sent in the time between your query and your update of the current balance.

Example URL Request

Example Response

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/xml
Content-Length: 824

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE smsapi PUBLIC "-//OZEKI//DTD XML 1.0//EN" "">


To add credits to the balance of a user account use the following URL format:

For, you should substitute the host name or the IP address of the computer your SMS gateway is installed on. The port number 9501 is the default HTTP port number of Ozeki NG SMS gateway.

The username and the password of the admin account should be substituted for "UUUUU" and "PPPPP". No other users can modify the credit limits of an account. The username of the account whose balance will be changed, should be substituted for AAAAA. The amount you want to add should be put into VVVVV. If you want to take credits away, VVVVV should be a negative number.

Request parameters

Parameter Description Possible values Example M/O*
action Specifies the HTTP API command addcredits action=addcredits M
username This should be set to "admin", since only the admin account can update credit information in the server. string value, maximum length is 16 characters username=admin M
password This should be set to the "password" of admin, since only the admin account can update credit information in the server. The password should be urlencoded. string value, maximum length is 16 characters password=abc123 M
useraccount Specifies the name of the user account, whose balance is going to be increased or decreased. If this parameter is not specified, the balance of the admin account will be changed. string value, maximum length is 16 characters useraccount=john O
add Specifies the amount that should be added to the user account. Use a positive number to increase the balance, or set this parameter to a negative number and the balance of the user account will be decreased. int value add=244 M

* M = Mandatory parameter, O = Optional parameter

Response parameters
(xml response format)

Parameter Description Possible values Example
account Contains the balance of a user account in an XML structure  
account.username Identifies the user account. string value, maximum length is 16 characters <username>john</username>
account.balance Contains the balance of the user account after the change. If this value is less then or equal to zero, the user cannot send SMS messages. integer value <balance>744</balance>

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