Ozeki Batch Processing Tester

On this page you will find Ozeki Batch Processing Tester that will help you test the total message processing speed. This tester inserts messages into the table from which Batch processing user polls out messages. In this way you can insert any number of messages into this table and batch processing user will send out them. After sending you receive the total message processing speed. Find the details of the solution in this guide.

Download: Ozeki_batch_processing_tester.exe (11 Kb)

First you need to log into Ozeki NG SMS Gateway with your username and password. Then add a new HTTP service provider connection. To do so, click on "Add service provider" in "Service providers" section (Figure 1).

Figure 1 - Add new service provider

Select "HTTP Server Connection" in the list and click on "Install" next to it (Figure 2).

Figure 2 - Install HTTP server

Leave the "Configuration" tab of the created connection unchanged and click on "OK" (Figure 3).

Figure 3 - HTTP Server settings

Now add a new outgoing route by clicking on "Add new route" in the "Outgoing" section (Figure 4).

Figure 4 - Add new route

Now specify the source and destination of the outgoing messages. Set "batch_processing" to "Source" and set the created HTTP server as "Destination". In this way you can ensure that messages will not be sent out from Ozeki NG SMS Gateway, but you can test performance (Figure 5).

Figure 5 - Source and destination of outgoing route

Click on MSSQL Settings option of Batch processing user. Select the connection string and copy it (Figure 6).

Figure 6 - Copy connection string

Start Ozeki Batch Processing Tester and paste the connection string (Figure 7).

Figure 7 - Paste connection string

Now specify the number of messages to be inserted in Number of messages field and click on Start (Figure 8).

Figure 8 - Specify the number of messages

After messages has been sent you will receive a summary containing the total message processing speed (Figure 9). In our example I sent out 5000 messages and the total message processing speed was 66 MPS.

Figure 9 - Summary about sending

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